We address many addictions in our retreats and private practice. Addictions are compulsive, chronic behaviours that a person continues to do despite the negative consequences.


We address many addictions in our retreats and private practice. Addictions are compulsive, chronic behaviours that a person continues to do despite the negative consequences.

Deep Meditation

“Deep meditation is the key to healing and recovery, transforming into our more authentic selves. This can't be done with any standard Meditation; it must be deep guided Meditation. In other words, Meditation must go beyond our body and into our emotional state of being. Deep sustained focus is essential for our spiritual consciousness so that we are not mired in insecurity, self-criticism, or negative thoughts about who we are and what we're capable of achieving.” Brian Murphy


Addiction and What Is It?

We address many addictions in our retreats and private practice. Addictions are compulsive, chronic behaviours that a person continues to do despite the negative consequences. Addictions can be physical (substance abuse) or psychological (gambling).

What is Addiction? Addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. People with addiction intensely focus on using a specific substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life. They keep using it even though it causes problems in their relationships, jobs, and health. 

What is Substance Abuse? Substance abuse is a pattern of using alcohol or other drugs that results in problems in any area of your life. Substance abuse is often a sign of an underlying problem, such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression. Left untreated, substance abuse can lead to formal addiction. 


Factors Of Addiction

Biological Factors We know that certain people are more vulnerable to developing an addiction than others. This vulnerability may be due to genetics, or it may be due to changes in brain chemistry resulting from drug use. 

Social Factors In our Western culture, recreational drug use has become more acceptable. This change in social norms can make it harder for people struggling with addiction to seek help because they may not believe their problem is severe enough to warrant professional treatment. 

Psychological Factors Finally, several psychological factors can contribute to addiction. People who suffer from anxiety or depression may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way of self-medicating. People who have experienced trauma may also be more likely to develop an addiction because they may use substances to numb themselves emotionally. 


The Cycle Of Addiction

The first step in breaking the addiction cycle is understanding it. The typical addiction cycle looks like this. 
Preoccupation: In this stage, you can't stop thinking about using your substance of choice. You might feel anxious or irritable when you try to cut back or quit altogether. 

Ritualisation: You start making time for your substance of choice, even if it means cutting back on work or social obligations. 

Loss of control: Using more of your substance of choice than intended, even though you want to stop. 

Negative consequences: Despite the adverse effects (job loss, financial problems, relationship issues), you can't seem to stop using. 

Withdrawal/negative affect: When you try to quit or cut back, you experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea, anxiety, or depression. 

Overpowering urges: The urge to use becomes so strong that you give in, even though you don't want to. This marks the beginning of another cycle. 

Our unique mode

lBrian Murphy’s unique experience as a former Monk and Director of drug and alcohol Rehabs has enabled him to develop the process that allows clients to fast-track a profound and transformative experience of their Higher Power.  Offering intensive retreats (virtual by video conferencing or residential) provides a deep and speedy recovery with the Higher Power as the bedrock of the process. Continual expertly guided meditation/psychotherapy sessions allow the defences of addictive attachments to be set aside so one can experience the power of a more profound spiritual process. This inner discovery enables a deep shift that generates lasting freedom from addictions.


Break The Addiction Cycle

Whether you are struggling with addiction or know someone, there is hope. Our specialised treatment will help you break free from the grips of addiction. If you're ready to take the following steps toward recovery, reach out to us immediately, and we'll provide a tailored recovery plan that goes beyond problem-solving and tackles your underlying reasons for using it in the first place to enable long-term recovery.