
Brian has, with great skill and sensitivity, helped me deal with my diagnosis of bipolar disorder and childhood trauma.
Mindfulness and meditation has been the key to minimising the damage of rapid cycling episodes and understanding,with compassion how abusive households can effect decisions and life choices made throughout your whole life.

He has helped me in relationships, both personal and work related.
He has helped me realise my self worth and we continue to work on a weekly basis to ensure there’s enough structure/containment and processing of my inner world.
He has shown me that, by making regular commitments to my well being I can help not only myself but properly support others.



Royal television society
Rose d’or

Grammy nominated

Reading this, you probably feel helpless, resentful, desperate, at war with yourself and others and heading towards despair. See Brian; he will help you save yourself and discover or rediscover how magical life is. I know because I have been you.

I’d always thought I enjoyed and controlled alcohol, and that was the case for much of my life. But it is so insidious a drug, and eventually, when vulnerable, it took control of me, or I let it. Over a few years, it came to dominate my self – heart, mind and spirit and began to destroy me and those I love. At the urgings of my family, I sought help, sometimes willingly. I tried a couple of psychotherapists, but their work was so superficial and unengaging that they failed to resolve my issues and often made me worse.

Then I was introduced to Brian. I was sceptical at first but also knew that I was reaching utter despair and that alcohol would kill me directly or indirectly if I didn’t seek help one more time. Brian brought me out of the dark and held me as I learnt to save myself from addiction and resolve the dysfunctions that had led to me allowing alcohol to take precedence in my life. Brian uses a holistic approach that addresses the needs of spirit, heart and mind, which is truly amazing. I was transformed. I am healed and have also found a serenity that is now the core of who I am. Life is rich, happy and an incredible journey. I still find it hard to believe that the broken shell of a man that pitched up to that first meeting half-cut on vodka is now happy, healthy, serene, and unified. And free. I cannot thank you enough, Brian.



A near death experience during a car jacking had begun consuming my entire life. I couldn’t sleep, lost the ability to smell, hear & taste and developed crippling social anxiety. While many other trauma therapies tried to either mask or break the symptoms, the work at Higher Power allowed me to calmly go to the source of the problem and gently work along side it. Not only was I able to finally process the PTSD, I gained a deeper knowledge, security and certainty in myself. These gains have led to a happier and less stressful life. There’s deeper empathy for my employees, richer context in my friendships and sharper clarity of understanding with my partner


Do you have an idea? Let’s talk about it.