April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

How Porn Could Be Sabotaging Your Success!

A “huge problem” by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), a survey found that one in five members reported a problem with pornography-related issues on their payroll. It's not just the employees either - 95% of organisations have seen an increase in employees viewing porn during working hours. That sounds like the topic for a harrowing blog post. Thankfully, the potential solutions are far less severe than you might think. Looking at porn during work hours is not the only problem, unfortunately. The difficulty is that pornography use can severely damage an individual's productivity, focus, and motivation.

A study published in Computers in Human Behaviour found that those who frequently view pornography are more likely to suffer from lower self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. These mental health issues can lead to several severe problems at work, such as decreased productivity, absenteeism, and even job loss.

While it may be tempting to sweep the issue under the rug and hope it goes away independently, doing so would be a massive mistake. As the prevalence of pornography use continues to grow, employers need to address the issue head-on.

Fortunately, there are several steps that employers can take to help mitigate the adverse effects of pornography in the workplace. For starters, they can provide employees with access to resources to combat addiction and overcome mental health issues. Additionally, employers can create policies that discourage pornography use during work hours and institute disciplinary measures for those who do not comply. Addressing the problem of pornography in the workplace is not easy, but it is necessary.

What is porn addiction?

Pornography also called porn, is a form of media intended to elicit sexual arousal. The term "porn addiction" describes someone who cannot control their use of pornography, even though it may negatively impact their life. Porn addiction can lead to problems with relationships, work, and mental health. It can be challenging to stop using pornography once you start, as viewing it can become habitual. If you think you might be addicted to pornography, some resources are available to help you quit.

Harmful effects of porn

Pornography is a significant problem today. It is harmful not only to the individual viewing it but also to those around them. Here are some of how pornography can be detrimental:

1) Pornography can lead to addiction and other compulsive behaviours.

2) Pornography can desensitise people to violence and sexual behaviour, making them more likely to engage in these activities themselves.

3) Pornography can cause erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems.

4) Pornography can damage relationships and lead to social isolation.

5) Pornography can be a significant contributor to gender inequality.

How can you cope with porn addiction at work?

The workplace is one of the most likely places for someone with a porn addiction to struggle. Constant access to the internet and being around other people can make it difficult to resist the urge to look at pornography. Here are some tips for coping with a porn addiction at work:

-Talk to an addictions therapist who can help you understand and manage your addiction.

-Talk to the HR department about your problem and see if they can help you create a plan to avoid temptation.

-Make sure you have a good internet filter so you can't access pornography at work.

-Use your lunch break or other free time to take a walk or do something else that will take your mind off porn.


There is no doubt that porn can harm your life, both professionally and personally. As an employee, you should be aware of the potential consequences of watching porn at work and take steps to avoid it. If you find yourself struggling with an addiction to pornography, don't hesitate to seek help from a professional. With the proper support, you can overcome this obstacle and get back on track to achieving your goals. 

Porn addiction can lead to several negative consequences at work and in your personal life. If you think you may be addicted to pornography, it's essential to seek help from a professional. With the proper treatment, you can overcome this obstacle and get back on track to achieving your life goals. If you want specialist support, contact us for an assessment.

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