April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

THE alternative to Rehab for busy professionals.

Higher Power's truly unique retreats are tailored to your specific recovery needs. Not only that, but we also modify each session to the person's emerging needs. All retreats are on-to-one unless it is a couple’s retreat.

Two distinct issues need to be addressed in our retreat model:

  • The first one is the clearing away of the inner world. That's dealing with all the crappy feelings of shame and self-disgust, guilt, and self-loathing. Depression and rage etc. Once these are cleared away, a more solid sense of self emerges. 

  • The second stage is transcending this emotional zone and experiencing a Higher Power from the inside. This gives one a spiritual centre and is the hallmark of a good recovery. 

Here is an excerpt from a retreat session. It shows the beginnings of the second stage. That's been slightly adapted (for privacy) to give a snapshot into what mediating with an expert like Brian can achieve:

Client: “I suddenly don't know who I really am when I sit in this Meditation; I feel confused and uneasy. How can’t I know? Who the **** am I? I’m an accomplished CEO! How can I possibly not know who I am right now?”

Brian: “Stay with the NOT knowing and allow it to grow… breathe alongside it. That's good, settle in and try to be at home with yourself in the seemingly not knowing! That’s a key part of this meditation as the ego lets go.” (Note: Brian, as an ex-monk, is holding/containing the darker, addiction-related energy to keep them grounded in the unfolding process).

Client: “OK, now I’ve got a sense, weirdly, that it is expansive! Wow! It feels like an ultra-still space that's opening now.”

Brian: “Good, good…stay there, gently allow the process to unfold. What do you notice? Scan the body-self and note any shifts or changes within.”

Client: “Weirdly, there is absolutely no sense of time here… I feel very chilled out… as though my body is melting, and my mind is unwinding at its core.”

Brian: “Good … explore the space further…do you need to do anything in this ‘spaceless space’?”

Client: “No… I feel very rested. Unusually I’m very rested like I'm on vacation. On vacation from stress… the **** of life. And nothing is missing in this space, which is oddly refreshing!”

Brian: “We'll do lots more work helping you get accustomed to entering easily into this spiritual ‘space’ within with your Higher Power. Rest there and continue to be replenished, and I'll take you further in a moment or two….”

The retreats dive further into the inner exploration of this ‘space’ beyond all suffering, a non-addicted and stress-free transcendent Self that can reshape the person's character and act as a guide throughout life. This process enables high-earning professionals to return to their working environment quickly (after the 7-day retreats) with a new mindset and resourced by various self-care tools.

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