April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

The truth about Rehab!

There will be vast numbers of people to deal with the chaos of drinking and drugging, compulsive porn, and out-of-control gambling after Christmas; the Rehabs will fill up! The following interview ought to offer some perspectives from a seasoned professional on what to expect.

Interviewer: You have been a director of lots of Rehabs, Brian, so what’s your honest opinion on why they don’t work:

Brian Murphy: The staff are counsellors and not trained as psychotherapists. This means they’re simply processing what you tell them, and they cannot effectively look at the underlying issues such as trauma, shame, and loss: The disturbing shit! These trigger all addictions and are likely sources of your drinking/drugging etc. 

Interviewer: Doesn't that mean staff in Rehabs are less able than private practice therapists?

Brian Murphy: Look, if you are any good as a professional, you’ll eventually ‘get the fuck’ out of Rehab and help folks one-to-one in private practice. You will be appropriately rewarded for your hard work. The Rehabs only tend to hold onto staff who don’t have skills for private practice.

Interviewer: What about all the ‘baggage’ (shame, depression, anxiety, traumas etc.) addicts and alcoholics face on coming into Rehab? Is there any time to do that kind of work?

Brian Murphy: If you divide 12 people by 60 minutes, that’s all you have each day, maybe twice a day, to process all your truly crappy feelings. There are indeed some Rehabs to do one-to-one work. However, in most Rehabs, you usually will have little time because you’ll be in a group therapy situation. 

Interviewer: The 12 steps are the backbone of treatment. They are spiritual steps, however. Say something about the Higher Power issue, please.

Brian Murphy: The spiritual competency of those in recovery running rehabs is sadly lacking. It’s pathetic! But Addicts are sharp. They can pick up on the counsellor's lack of meaningful recovery. I can honestly say I’ve met very few staff who exude deep serenity, are spiritually intelligent and know how to guide those struggling over the Higher Power issue with great skill. 

Interviewer: Is Rehab individualised, or will my loved one be another faceless person?

Brian Murphy: Ultimately, most Rehabs are a fucking ‘cookie-cutter’ experience rather than individualised care. So, recycling people in and out of rehab again is very much the norm. I don’t accept that as ethical, so I removed myself from the Rehab world over a decade ago. 

Interviewer: Tell me, what’s the real solution? What your organisation (Higher Power retreats) offers?

Brian Murphy: Our approach at Higher Power offers individualised care for the entire day for professionals set aside for each person to do the more profound work (stress/trauma and soul care etc.), combining meditation and psychotherapy, which means that people can process their suffering quickly and have a transformative experience of their Higher Power. That’s what will give them a truly sustainable recovery!

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