April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

Urge Surfing to Manage Cocaine Abuse in Corporate Culture

Despite a well-documented link between cocaine abuse and decreased productivity in the workplace, a recent study has found that employees who recover from addiction have significantly higher emotional intelligence than those who do not. The study, conducted by the University of Southern California, looked at a group of executives in recovery from cocaine addiction and compared them to a control group of executives who had never abused drugs. The results were remarkable: those in recovery were much better able to manage their emotions, set boundaries, and build positive relationships. In other words, they had the skills necessary to be successful in the corporate world.

Cocaine abuse is a severe problem that can have devastating consequences. However, effective treatments can help people overcome addiction and regain control of their lives. One such treatment is called "urge surfing."

What is Urge Surfing?

Urge surfing is a meditative technique that helps people manage their cravings for drugs or other substances. It involves learning to ride the wave of an urge rather than trying to fight it. When someone is experiencing a strong urge to use cocaine, they may feel powerless to resist it. However, by learning how to surf the wave of a desire, they can gain control over their craving and eventually let it pass. 

How Does It Work? 

The first step in learning to surf an urge is to become aware of when a desire is starting to build. This is not easy at first, but it gets easier with practice. Once you know that an impulse is starting to develop, the next step is to begin observing it. Pay attention to the physical sensations you are experiencing and your thoughts and emotions. Stay as calm and detached as possible, without judgment or criticism. The third step is to start riding the wave of the urge. This means allowing yourself to experience the craving but not giving in to it. Imagine that you are on a surfboard and the urge wave is beneath you. You will ride up and then down again. The key is not to fight the wave but to ride it until it eventually breaks and dissipates. 

Why Is It Effective? 

Urge surfing is an effective treatment for cocaine addiction because it helps people learn how to manage their cravings healthily. By learning to surf the wave of an urge rather than trying to fight it, people can gain control over their passion and eventually let it pass. Additionally, urge surfing can help people become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, leading to greater insight, and understanding. 

Despite a well-documented link between cocaine abuse and decreased productivity in the workplace, a recent study has found that employees who recover from addiction have significantly higher emotional intelligence than those who do not. The study, conducted by the University of Southern California, looked at a group of executives in recovery from cocaine addiction and compared them to a control group of executives who had never abused drugs. The results were remarkable: those in recovery were much better able to manage their emotions, set boundaries, and build positive relationships. In other words, they had the skills necessary to be successful in the corporate world.

The findings that those in recovery from addiction have higher emotional intelligence are significant because it goes against the common perception of addicts as emotionally stunted and inconsiderate. Addicts are often stereotyped as self-absorbed and manipulative; however, this study shows that recovering addicts are more capable of empathy and self-awareness than those who have never struggled with addiction. This new research provides hope for those in recovery and dispels some myths about addiction.

This study also has important implications for companies struggling with drug abuse among their employees. In addition to the well-documented decrease in productivity accompanying drug abuse, companies must also deal with the negative publicity resulting from employees' addictions. However, this study provides evidence that companies can help their employees recover from addiction and emerge as more emotionally intelligent individuals. By investing in treatment and recovery programs, companies can improve their bottom line and help their employees build the skills necessary to be successful in the corporate world. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction, urge surfing may be an effective option alongside professional help. This technique involves learning how to ride the wave of an urge rather than trying its peak and then crashing down again. By remaining calm and detached while observing their thoughts and emotions, people who use this technique can gain control over their cravings and eventually let them pass. Please get in touch with us today if you want more information about urge surfing or other treatment options for cocaine addiction.

The study's findings suggested that companies should invest in treatment and recovery programs for their employees who struggle with addiction. Not only will these programs help improve productivity, but they will also help employees develop the emotional intelligence necessary to be successful in the corporate world.

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