Brian Murphy

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  • A world-class expert in guided Meditation for Addictions (former Monk). 
  • Consultant Psychotherapist.
  • Executive Coaching practitioner. 
  • Co-director of ‘Higher Power’ - Innercare Services (UK) Ltd.

Brian understands what works and does not work in rehabilitation because of his significant clinical experience. He was the former director of many addiction clinics in the UK and North America based on the 12-step and Cognitive Behavioural treatment (CBT) philosophies (residential, outpatient, and community-based). Following that, he developed his retreat model, accelerating the change process over a seven-day intensive retreat. 

Before commencing his Psychotherapy career, Brian spent over a decade and a half as a monk. This monastic background equipped him to teach others Meditation competently. His extensive experience in Meditation and Psychology has given him a detailed map of using ancient Meditation, creating a path to human transformation. Brian now successfully guides others to this remarkable level of tranquillity after spending a substantial amount of his life formally practising Meditation. 

Brian is a consultant Psychotherapist specialising in alcoholism, addictions, stress, and burnout. He has integrated the fundamental therapy procedures to relieve psychological difficulties and enable emotional well-being as quickly as possible. Brian has a long-term weekly therapy private practice. He specialises in assisting people and couples who want to make speedy progress toward their objectives. He believes in an abstinence-based philosophy and helps those struggling to achieve this goal. Brian's clients often face various difficulties, including alcoholism, cocaine addiction, trauma, stress, eating disorders, executive burnout, depression, and relationship problems. 

Brian has conducted customised, intensive, one-on-one retreats worldwide over the previous 14 years. He works with clients who have previously attempted and failed to make significant changes but now want to accomplish these significant changes in a short time. 

Brian's expertly guided Meditation develops an atmosphere that facilitates quick personal and spiritual breakthroughs via his work. His approach combines Meditation and experiential Psychotherapy, allowing for rapid change while also addressing the fundamental reasons for the issue from the start. 

He helps his clients shift beyond the confines of their suffering selves into their Higher selves through Meditation practice. Because of this method, clients soon experience a unique sense of calm. These transformations are possible as he combines his Monastic background with his Psychotherapeutic/clinical training.

Brian also works with couples, which is a fantastic opportunity to foster deep connections in couples who have reached a stalemate yet seek a genuine way of being together. This programme is for couples who want to be together authentically but cannot discover it on their own. When working with couples, Brian blends diverse forms of Psychotherapy and Meditation to adapt to whatever the moment requires.  

His involvement in executive coaching arose naturally from his work with influential senior corporate executives in the business world suffering from stress/burnout. In addition, he supervises the work of other coaches. 

Brian also engages with global business community members via video conferencing and CEOs in North America and the UK. He has helped many people in diverse settings: tribal chiefs in North America, CEOs, senior legal consultants, celebrities, etc. He has specialised in offering therapy to 12-Step sponsors in long-term recovery.

In addition, Brian supervises executive coaches interested in psychological perspectives and meditative approaches to coaching. He values the ability to train coaches in the art of contemplative self-leadership in their daily tasks, empowering their clients in the process of personal growth. 

When not busy offering support to others, Brian likes to fly fish for trout and has fished in Canada, the Italian Dolomites, England, and his native Scotland. He also enjoys teaching others to fly fish and offers this service to those who attend his residential retreats. Fly fishing blends well with the Meditation sessions, fostering a deep connection with nature, and ensuring one remains in the present moment.

He is committed to mentoring and teaching the resources clients need to continue their transformation from burnout, alcohol dependency and addiction. And implementing their newfound insights into all aspects of their lives, fostering sustainable change and recovery from emotional distress, burnout, and various addictions.