Catherine Sinnott

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Catherine is a co-director of ‘Higher Power’ at Innercare Services (UK) Ltd.; she has a corporate background and formal spiritual training. Her spiritual views guide her Psychotherapeutic approach, and Meditation primarily influences her therapeutic practice.

She also has training in Focusing-Orientated Psychotherapy. This approach emphasises the unfolding nature of our lived experience and the therapy process itself. Her philosophy is grounded in exploring the client's ‘internal’ felt knowledge, addressing what arises, and working with the felt sense (acknowledging the more profound ‘truth’ implied in the feeling).

Catherine believes that spirituality should be central to any alcohol or drug recovery process. That is why she, as part of a team, provides intensive spiritual retreats for people who need help with addiction. She believes, and her experience has consistently taught her, that Meditation allows one to strip away defences, addictive attachments, and thoughts to experience the power of a profoundly spiritual process, thus allowing newfound freedom from addiction to alcohol and drugs.

For the past 14 years, she and her team have provided executive renewal retreats in the UK and North America. The Retreats help individuals/couples recover from burnout, emotional exhaustion, alcohol issues and most addictions.

The transformational Meditation approach, which Catherine has actively been involved in, has helped many professional people transform experiences by breaking toxic patterns, reducing emotional stress, and developing a deeper spiritual connection. These Psychotherapeutic Meditations have allowed people to change the negative emotions that have created emotional stress and sustained trauma, break toxic patterns, and strengthen relationships with their higher self (executive self within).

She has worked in the personal development industry for the last 14 years; as part of a team, Catherine has conducted and organised executive renewal retreats in both the United Kingdom and North America. The Retreats have allowed individuals/couples to recover from burnout and addiction more quickly and rapidly.

As the family liaison, her responsibility was/is to offer help and support that is well structured, consistent and addresses the needs of the individual.  Helping families recognise and understand the situation can significantly reduce their anxiety. There may be feelings of alienation, fear, and mistrust; therefore, being able to speak about issues rather than conceal them is about being able to truly trust the person, even if it is just on the other end of the phone.