Addiction Rehab At Home or Away In 7 Days!

Allow us to help you find your"Non Addicted" Self.

Allow us to help you find your "Non Addicted" Self.

Brian Murphy



A world-class expert in guided Meditation for Addictions (former Monk). 

Consultant Psychotherapist.

Brian understands what works and does not work in rehabilitation because of his significant clinical experience. He was the former director of many addiction clinics in the UK and North America based on the 12-step and Cognitive Behavioural treatment (CBT) philosophies (residential, outpatient, and community-based). Following that, he developed his retreat model, accelerating the change process over a seven-day intensive retreat. 

Before commencing his Psychotherapy career, Brian spent over a decade and a half as a monk. This monastic background equipped him to teach others Meditation competently. His extensive experience in Meditation and Psychology has given him a detailed map of using ancient Meditation, creating a path to human transformation. Brian now successfully guides others to this remarkable level of tranquillity after spending a substantial amount of his life formally practising Meditation. 

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Allow Us To Help You Find Your "Non-Addicted" Self.

Everyone has a non-addicted, non-damaged self – an essence that cannot be harmed or contaminated by anything. This inner Self is free and liberated! We will guide and teach you the skills to return to this inner place day after day.

The Meditative and Psychotherapeutic Benefits

Stress, anxiety, and depression are among the most prevalent modern-day ills. In a world where we are constantly worrying about what might happen or regretting what we have done—or, indeed, using our stress as grit for being that top performer in life, it is no wonder that mental illness has increased in our generation a hundredfold. Here are some Meditation practices and Psychotherapeutic benefits to get you started on the path!


Two options you might consider:

Mindfulness meditation: This meditation helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and learn to accept them without judgement. This can lead to improved mental well-being and decreased stress levels.

Professionally Guided Meditation: A personal guide can help you focus on a particular skill, such as relaxed concentration or detaching from negative thinking. We specialise in guiding people for them to fast-track intermediate and advanced levels of Meditation practices. This mentoring can be extremely helpful if you find it challenging to meditate alone.

Combining the 12-step recovery process with the Urge Surfing meditation method is possible by inviting awareness of one's Higher Power during the practice of Urge Surfing. 

When confronted with the difficulty of overcoming Addictions, people choose between harsh self-criticism rather than compassionate self-acceptance. The practice of Urge Surfing promotes a mindset of caring for and valuing oneself. You may better control urges and avoid falling back into old habits by practising Urge Surfing meditation, which helps you focus on the here and now. To avoid ongoing Addiction and discover true contentment in life, regular practice of the Urge Surfing meditation is an essential recovery tool.

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"Everyone has a non-addicted, non-damaged self – an essence that cannot be harmed or contaminated by anything. This inner Self is free and liberated! We will guide and teach you the skills to return to this inner place day after day."
Brian Murphy, Author Of URGE SURFING
Psychotherapy and Executive Coaching for Anxiety

In our fast-paced, constantly connected lives, it is no wonder that anxiety has become one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 18.1% of American adults suffer from some form of anxiety. If you are one of the millions of people struggling with anxiety, you may be looking for a way to cope that does not involve medication. Psychotherapy and coaching are two methods that are effective in treating anxiety. 

What is Addiction? 

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. People with addiction intensely focus on using a specific substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life. They keep using it even though it causes problems in their relationships, jobs, and health. 

What is executive coaching?

Executive coaching is a profoundly transformative, highly confidential conversational process that helps leaders to excel, achieve their goals and significantly improve their performance. It involves setting goals (that do not generate inner conflict), providing psychological feedback, and assisting the leader in identifying and overcoming obstacles (internal and external).

Case studies

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Expertly Led 1:1 Meditation-Based Intensive Rehab Model



The first stage in stopping the addiction cycle is the emotional and mental clearing. This can include anger, resentment, or guilt. After the clearing process, inner freedom creates a sense of calmness and lighter body-mind space.  

The Retreat's intensity is intended to provide a profoundly respectful and rapid uncovering of the underlying issues causing pain and affecting the quality of life and essential recovery choices. This guided Meditation approach allows for a quick breakthrough in one’s mindset and consciousness. It promotes the process sought in traditional meditation practises while unearthing core emotions (anxiety, depression, loss, traumas, and developmental deficits) and mental blocks that psychotherapy often concentrates on.

Each day will be composed of several 90 min 1:1 blocks of guided Meditation and Psychotherapeutic input from morning till early evening and cover around five hours per day for the weeklong Retreat. These are ‘bespoke’ Retreats, and sessions can easily be modified (extended or moved) to allow for breaks.

There are many ways to Meditate, but not all Meditation techniques are created equal. Therefore, our participants engage in intensely focused (specialised guided) Meditation to achieve their desired transformation. Brian, a world-class expert in Meditation and Psychotherapy, has designed these retreats to fast-track recovery from all Addictions.

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The second stage of therapy is focused on resolving an impasse or void. The therapist must keep the client grounded and temporarily free from traditional roles and identities.



The third stage will see the most dramatic changes. In this stage, people transcend their difficulties and discover who they are. They experience joy, freedom, wisdom, and relief in this stage. They also begin looking at things differently, which can be challenging but helpful. At this point, individuals have much higher empathy and emotional intelligence.



The final stage of a retreat entails putting all the spiritual shifts from the earlier stages into practice. This can be accomplished by honing therapeutic and contemplative skills to ensure the changes remain permanent. Because these Retreats offer intermediate and advanced Meditation skills, they will continue to assist you for the rest of your life.

Meet our team

Everyone has a non-addicted, non-damaged self – an essence that cannot be harmed or contaminated by anything. This inner Self is free and liberated! We will guide and teach you the skills to return to this inner place day after day.


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Unique 1:1 /7 days/ expertly led meditation based Rehab

Everyone has a non-addicted, non-damaged self – an essence that cannot be harmed or contaminated by anything.

Our Blogs

We are making a difference by providing executive coaching, intensive psychotherapy, and highly specialised retreats, with a focus on changing addictive behaviours.

Giving people a new means to experience their Higher Power has far-reaching effects on individuals, families, and the larger community. 

Anxiety is the critical guest who always arrives uninvited and leaves at the first touch of welcome. Everyone claims that they know anxiety well. We tend to observe it in others; we spend a lot of our time trying to analyse and read books about it, but when we finally get an opportunity to access this travelling hyper and solicitous visitor from a different perspective, then in many ways we are speechless.
April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

The Untold History Of Anxiety: How It All Went Down

Anxiety is the critical guest who always arrives uninvited and leaves at the first touch of welcome. Everyone claims that they know anxiety well. We tend to observe it in others; we spend a lot of our time trying to analyse and read books about it, but when we finally get an opportunity to access this travelling hyper and solicitous visitor from a different perspective, then in many ways we are speechless.

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The failure to address ‘spiritual intelligence’ in addiction rehabilitation can have catastrophic consequences. Many addiction counsellors lack the spiritual literacy to understand the underlying spiritual issues that often drive addictive behaviours. Without this understanding, traditional addiction treatment methods may only address the symptoms of addiction rather than the root causes.
April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

What’s wrong with Rehab?

The failure to address ‘spiritual intelligence’ in addiction rehabilitation can have catastrophic consequences. Many addiction counsellors lack the spiritual literacy to understand the underlying spiritual issues that often drive addictive behaviours. Without this understanding, traditional addiction treatment methods may only address the symptoms of addiction rather than the root causes.

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If you've ever wanted to decipher psychotherapy, read on. Psychotherapy is a unique way of communicating based on psychological principles and ideas. Learning the language of psychotherapy is essential to understand what is being said in therapy. 
April 12, 2023
Catherine Sinnott

Psychotherapy Between the Lines

If you've ever wanted to decipher psychotherapy, read on. Psychotherapy is a unique way of communicating based on psychological principles and ideas. Learning the language of psychotherapy is essential to understand what is being said in therapy. 

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by your work? If you're struggling to keep up with the demands of your job, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work we're expected to do.
April 12, 2023
Brian Murphy

Executive Coaching for Overwhelmed Professionals

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your work? If you're struggling to keep up with the demands of your job, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work we're expected to do.

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Masterclasses & Packages

Balancing Life Domains
A Coaching Masterclass - To see your progress, you first must start this course.

Life domains are the different areas of our lives, such as our friends, work, hobbies, etc. Studies show that life balance, the ability to divide attention between our most valued life domains, is associated with higher levels of well-being. In this masterclass, we address the role of attention, the subjective evaluation of life domains, the role of need fulfilment, and the actions required to create life balance.

Emotional Intelligence
A Coaching Masterclass - To see your progress, you first must start this course.

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to understanding and managing emotional encounters. Individuals who score highly on emotional intelligence are better able to handle everyday stress, foster a greater number of meaningful close relationships, are more socially competent, and experience higher levels of well-being. In this masterclass, we provide a scientific definition of EI, address the different processes that underlie the construct, and introduce a wide range of practical tools for increasing EI.

Meaning & Valued Living
A Coaching Masterclass - To see your progress, you first must start this course.

With increasing rates of depression, substance misuse, suicide, divorce, and burnout worldwide, feelings of isolation and meaninglessness are more pervasive than ever. This masterclass covers the complex construct of meaning. More specifically, it begins by addressing the problem of defining meaning, different types of meaning, and ways to increase meaning in life. After covering the concept of meaning, the inherent link between values and meaning is introduced. We discuss the definition of values, the importance of paying attention to values, beliefs about values, different types of motivation underlying values, and ways to promote value-congruent behaviour.

The Science of Self-Acceptance
A Coaching Masterclass - To see your progress, you first must start this course.

Countless people are suffering from low self-esteem. Tormented by feelings of low self-worth and negative self-talk, they enter the search for self-esteem. And yet, this very search is one of the greatest threats to well-being. The ongoing attempt to convince ourselves that we are worthy inevitably sets the stage for failure. We cannot always live up to the standards that make up high self-esteem. Research findings consistently show that there is a far healthier alternative to self-esteem: self-acceptance. This masterclass will help your clients build a healthy relationship with themselves by increasing self-acceptance and building self-compassion.

Maximising Strengths
A Coaching Masterclass - To see your progress, you first must start this course.

Positive psychology is concerned with positive human traits. Rather than merely focusing on what is wrong with people and fixing their problems, positive psychology aims to identify positive human characteristics that promote well-being. These characteristics, referred to as “strengths,” are explored in depth in this masterclass. First, we explain the concept of strength. In the remaining modules, we focus on several skills and abilities at the core of optimal strength use. More specifically, we address the extent to which we devote attention to our strengths, the beliefs we hold about our strengths, our motivation for using our strengths, and how to regulate our strengths in a way that prevents underuse or overuse.

Realising Resilience
A Coaching MasterclassTo see your progress, you first must start this course.

The study of psychological resilience aims to understand why some people can withstand – or even thrive upon experiencing – complex life events. A resilient person can quickly bounce back from adversity and positively adapt to the novel demands of the situation. This masterclass addresses the construct of resilience and introduces several key skills and abilities that have been found to promote resilience. More specifically, we address the extent to which attention is directed at positive and negative events, the interpretation of these events, how individuals deal with them, and the motivation for dealing with them in a particular way.

Positive Relationships
A Coaching Masterclass- To see your progress, you first must start this course.

Humans have a strong need to belong and value their connection with others. Christopher Peterson, one of positive psychology’s most prestigious researchers and promoters, famously said: “Other People Matter.” With this quote, Peterson powerfully summarised decades of well-being research showing that the key contributing factor to personal happiness is the social relationships we build. Also, social relationships are an invaluable resource in difficult times. Research has consistently shown that having a positive, supportive network is one of the essential characteristics of resilient people. In this masterclass, you will learn the key principles of relationships that promote human flourishing and gain access to hands-on tools to help your clients discover and invest in social bonds that matter.

Motivation & Goal Achievement
A Coaching Masterclass - To see your progress, you first must start this course.

People differ greatly in their ability to plan and look ahead. While some people live with a clear vision, others wander through life aimlessly. Decades of research shows how much the types of goals people set matter. Some goals are better for people’s mental health, personal growth, and well-being than others, because they better express a person’s underlying interests, values, talents, needs, and motives. This masterclass addresses the key principles underlying proper goal setting and goal striving, different types of motivation, and ways to realise goals effectively.

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